Energy from renewable sources met 15% of the gross final consumption of energy in the EU in 2013, according to Eurostat.
Monthly Archives: March 2015
The Citizens’ Energy Forum – an annual event designed to explore consumers’ views and their role in a competitive, ‘smart’, energy efficient and fair EU energy retail market – has welcomed the EU’s plans for Energy Union with citizens at its core.
Following the cross-regional meeting on electricity which took place last 26th January in Brussels, the Regional Group meeting took place on Monday 9th March in Brussels, at the Committee of the Regions. Its main objectives were to finalise the discussions on the JRC assessment method, finalise the discussion on the list of projects to be further assessed, and to continue to the extent possible on the specific project assessment, among others.
On 6th March 2015INEA Executive Dir Beckers signed the first ever Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) grant agreement, that of the Action “Hydropumped Storage System in Amfilochia